

体育成语英语(体育 成语)




2005-10-14 10:53:32 编辑:郑莉 摘自:《交流》杂志2004秋季刊 文/Joseph Epstein



Catch it — 陷入麻烦而受罚

例如:We're going to catch it if she comes back to the office early. (如果她早回办公室,我们就得挨罚了。)

Play ball — 与某人合作

例如:As soon as both sides sign the contract, then we can play ball. (双方一签定合同,我们就能合作了。)

The way the ball bounces —(原意:球反弹的方式)命里注定;不可避免性;命运;无一定之规性

例如:It's just the way the ball bounces, whether your application is accepted or not. (你的申请接受与否只能听天由命。)

Sporting chance —(原意:体育比赛中胜负可能性均等的机会)相当大的可能性

例如:We thought we had a sporting chance when the other company withdrew its bid.(另家公司撤消报价时,我们认为我们胜出的可能性相当大。)

Whole new ball game — 完全不同的情况

例如:We found our way around Washington, D.C., without getting lost, but New York City is a whole new ball game. (在华盛顿特区我们一路顺当,倒没迷路,可纽约市就是另码事了。)

Ballpark figure —(原意:球场上观众数)估计数

例如:At this time all we need is a ballpark figure. Exactness comes later.(此刻我们所需要的只是一个估计数。确切的数字以后再说。)

The ball is in someone's court — 某人得做出反应或采取行动

例如:We've made our proposal, so the ball's in their court now.(我们已经提出我们的建议,该由他们做出反应了。)

Bench —(原意:赛场上替补队员坐的条凳) 撤下某人;中断某人的参与

例如: The director of the play benched the lead actress because she was always late for rehearsals.(剧的导演让女主角坐冷板凳,因为排练时她总迟到。)

On the ball —有见识的;有能力的;留心的

例如:If we were on the ball, the bills would have been paid on time.(如果我们留心的话,这些帐单本就会按时付讫的。)


Be a hit —(Hit原指“安垒打”)取悦某人;受他人欢迎的成功

例如:The award ceremony was a hit, attracting an overflow crowd. (颁奖典礼很成功,吸引了一大群人。)

Step up to the plate—(原意:走上本垒板) 采取行动;承担责任

例如:Mary needs to step up to the plate and decide which proposal will best serve the interest of the company. (玛丽需要承担起责任并决定哪个建议最符合公司的利益。)

Strike out —(原意:击球员三个好球未击打或挥棒未击中而出局)失败

例如:John struck out with his book proposal; he received a rejection letter from the publisher today. (约翰的著作出版建议没被接受;今天他收到出版商拒绝他的来信。)

Throw a curve ball —(原意:投球手向击球员投出一个曲线球)戏弄或使人惊讶;提及出人意料的事

例如:The boss threw us a curve ball when he announced that each employee would have to bring his own food to the company picnic. (老板宣布每个职工自己带食物参加公司野餐时,我们都感到惊讶。)

Off base —(原意:不在垒上)不现实;不确切;错误的

例如:His cost estimate was way off base, far higher than warranted by current prices for labor and materials. (他的成本估计太离谱了,不合理地远远高于目前劳力和材料的价格。)

Out of left field —(原意:左外场以外)不相关;出乎意料

例如:His silly proposals for solving the problem came out of left field.(他那解决问题的愚蠢倡议牛头不对马嘴。)


Pull one's punches —(原意:故意轻击)不猛烈批评

例如:My English teacher doesn't pull any punches when it comes to discipline. She maintains an orderly classroom. (每当涉及纪律,我的英语老师批评起来不留情。她保持住一个有序的教室。)

Throw in the towel —(原意:教练从场外将毛巾扔在拳台上)撒手不干;放弃

例如:When they found out he was receiving bribes, the Senator knew it was time to throw in the towel. (当他们发现他收受贿赂时,那参议员明白收场的时候到了。)

Against the ropes —(原意:被对手挤在拳台围绳上)濒于失败,濒于被击败;濒临精疲力竭

例如:Already having been turned down twice for a loan, John was against the ropes when he asked a third bank to finance the car he had agreed to buy.(约翰两次贷款均遭拒绝,当他向第三家银行为他决定要买的车贷款时,他到了山穷水尽的地步了。)


Full court press —(原意:全场紧逼)巨大的压力或努力

例如:The committee put on a full court press to collect the necessary funds.(委员会为募集必要的资金施加了巨大的压力。)

Slam dunk —(原意:大力扣篮)巨大的成功;杰出的成就

例如:The show was a slam dunk for the artist, who sold every painting he exhibited.(展览是画家的一次巨大成功,展出的画全部售出。)


Bowl somebody over —(Bowl 可指“打保龄球”)令人惊讶或使人极为兴奋

例如:When I heard the news that I got the new job, it bowled me over.(我听到我获得那份新工作时,我喜出望外,兴奋不已。)


End run —(原意:端线外线迂回进攻)避开正常的程序和当局

例如:He made an end run around his boss and got money for the project directly from the president of the company.(他迂回过他的顶头上司而从公司总裁那里直接获得项目用款。)

Huddle —(原意:队员临赛前在对阵争球线后面进行的指示听取会)聚集一起商议

例如:The board of directors huddled to discuss an anticipated protest by workers.(董事会开会讨论预料中的工人抗议。)


Horse around —(骑着马瞎转悠)浪费时间;粗枝大叶

例如:During the meeting the boss shouted,“Stop horsing around and get to work.”(会上老板大声说道:“别浪费时间,干正经的。”)

Down to the wire —(原意:到终点线)在最后时刻完成某事

例如:The student went down to the wire, turning in her essay just as the class bell rang.(那学生在下课铃响起时的最后一刻才交上她的作文。)

安身立命 百战百胜 不欢而散(摔交) 独一无二

风雨交加 劳而无功 两面三刀 面目一新

明日黄花 目光如炬 评头论足 哑口无言(拳击) 气象万千 首屈一指 四海为家 血气方刚 一干二净

一拍即合 自告奋勇 自知之明

弃旧图新 仁至义尽 山水相连 视同儿戏


快如闪电 跑步

风驰电掣 跑步

稳如泰山 举重

百步穿扬 射击

闻鸡起舞 剑术

龙腾虎跃 跳高

争先恐后 短跑

舞枪弄棒 武术

上下翻飞 高低杠

棋逢对手 棋牌类

剑拔弩张 击剑、射箭




Swimming 游泳 Water polo 水球 Diving 跳水


Track 径赛  Jumping 跳跃 high jump 跳高 Road events 公路赛

marathon 马拉松 walk 竞走

Ball Games(球类运动)

Badminton 羽毛球 Baseball 棒球 Basketball 篮球 Football 足球

Hockey / Field Hockey 曲棍球 Table Tennis 乒乓球 Tennis 网球

Volleyball 排球 Beach Volleyball 沙滩排球


Artistic Gymnastics 竞技体操 Floor Exercises 自由体操

Gymnastics Trampoline 蹦床



Full court press —(原意:全场紧逼)巨大的压力或努力 

如:The committee put on a full court press to collect the necessary 


Slam dunk —(原意:大力扣篮)巨大的成功;杰出的成就 

如:The show was a slam dunk for the artist, who sold every painting he exhibited.(展览是画家的一次巨大成功,展出的画全部售出。)


Bowl somebody over —(Bowl 可指“打保龄球”)令人惊讶或使人极为兴奋 

例如:When I heard the news that I got the new job, it bowled me 



Horse around —(骑着马瞎转悠)浪费时间;粗枝大叶 如:During the meeting the boss shouted,“Stop horsing around and get to work.”(会上老板大声说道:“别浪费时间,干正经的。”)

Down to the wire —(原意:到终点线)在最后时刻完成某事 如:The student went down to the wire, turning in her essay just as the class bell rang.(那学生在下课铃响起时的最后一刻才交上她的作文。)


1.have the ball at one’s feet 稳操胜券,“大有成功的机会”。

如:You have the ball at your feet, don’t miss the chance.你稳操胜券,不要错过这个机会。、

2.keep the ball rolling不中断,继续下去

如:He inquired whether we had known Powell...Then there was a pause...To keep the ball rolling I asked if this Powell was remarkable in any way.他问我们是否认识保尔……接着一阵静寂……为了使谈话不中断,我问保尔先生有哪些不平凡的地方。


1.Sporting chance 体育比赛中胜负可能性均等的机会;相当大的可能性

We thought we had a sporting chance when the other company withdrew its bid.


2.Play ball — 与某人合作  

例如:As soon as both sides sign the contract, then we can play ball.  


4.The way the ball bounces —(原意:球反弹的方式)命里注定;不可避免性;命运;无一定之规性  

例如:It's just the way the ball bounces, whether your application is accepted 

5. Wealth is nothing without health.失去健康,钱再多也没用。

There is no medicine against death.没有长生不老药。

Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body.读书健脑,运动强身



2005-10-14 10:53:32 编辑:郑莉 摘自:《交流》杂志2004秋季刊 文/Joseph Epstein



Catch it — 陷入麻烦而受罚

例如:We're going to catch it if she comes back to the office early. (如果她早回办公室,我们就得挨罚了。)

Play ball — 与某人合作

例如:As soon as both sides sign the contract, then we can play ball. (双方一签定合同,我们就能合作了。)

The way the ball bounces —(原意:球反弹的方式)命里注定;不可避免性;命运;无一定之规性

例如:It's just the way the ball bounces, whether your application is accepted or not. (你的申请接受与否只能听天由命。)

Sporting chance —(原意:体育比赛中胜负可能性均等的机会)相当大的可能性

例如:We thought we had a sporting chance when the other company withdrew its bid.(另家公司撤消报价时,我们认为我们胜出的可能性相当大。)

Whole new ball game — 完全不同的情况

例如:We found our way around Washington, D.C., without getting lost, but New York City is a whole new ball game. (在华盛顿特区我们一路顺当,倒没迷路,可纽约市就是另码事了。)

Ballpark figure —(原意:球场上观众数)估计数

例如:At this time all we need is a ballpark figure. Exactness comes later.(此刻我们所需要的只是一个估计数。确切的数字以后再说。)

The ball is in someone's court — 某人得做出反应或采取行动

例如:We've made our proposal, so the ball's in their court now.(我们已经提出我们的建议,该由他们做出反应了。)

Bench —(原意:赛场上替补队员坐的条凳) 撤下某人;中断某人的参与

例如: The director of the play benched the lead actress because she was always late for rehearsals.(剧的导演让女主角坐冷板凳,因为排练时她总迟到。)

On the ball —有见识的;有能力的;留心的

例如:If we were on the ball, the bills would have been paid on time.(如果我们留心的话,这些帐单本就会按时付讫的。)


Be a hit —(Hit原指“安垒打”)取悦某人;受他人欢迎的成功

例如:The award ceremony was a hit, attracting an overflow crowd. (颁奖典礼很成功,吸引了一大群人。)

Step up to the plate—(原意:走上本垒板) 采取行动;承担责任

例如:Mary needs to step up to the plate and decide which proposal will best serve the interest of the company. (玛丽需要承担起责任并决定哪个建议最符合公司的利益。)

Strike out —(原意:击球员三个好球未击打或挥棒未击中而出局)失败

例如:John struck out with his book proposal; he received a rejection letter from the publisher today. (约翰的著作出版建议没被接受;今天他收到出版商拒绝他的来信。)

Throw a curve ball —(原意:投球手向击球员投出一个曲线球)戏弄或使人惊讶;提及出人意料的事

例如:The boss threw us a curve ball when he announced that each employee would have to bring his own food to the company picnic. (老板宣布每个职工自己带食物参加公司野餐时,我们都感到惊讶。)

Off base —(原意:不在垒上)不现实;不确切;错误的

例如:His cost estimate was way off base, far higher than warranted by current prices for labor and materials. (他的成本估计太离谱了,不合理地远远高于目前劳力和材料的价格。)

Out of left field —(原意:左外场以外)不相关;出乎意料

例如:His silly proposals for solving the problem came out of left field.(他那解决问题的愚蠢倡议牛头不对马嘴。)


Pull one's punches —(原意:故意轻击)不猛烈批评

例如:My English teacher doesn't pull any punches when it comes to discipline. She maintains an orderly classroom. (每当涉及纪律,我的英语老师批评起来不留情。她保持住一个有序的教室。)

Throw in the towel —(原意:教练从场外将毛巾扔在拳台上)撒手不干;放弃

例如:When they found out he was receiving bribes, the Senator knew it was time to throw in the towel. (当他们发现他收受贿赂时,那参议员明白收场的时候到了。)

Against the ropes —(原意:被对手挤在拳台围绳上)濒于失败,濒于被击败;濒临精疲力竭

例如:Already having been turned down twice for a loan, John was against the ropes when he asked a third bank to finance the car he had agreed to buy.(约翰两次贷款均遭拒绝,当他向第三家银行为他决定要买的车贷款时,他到了山穷水尽的地步了。)


Full court press —(原意:全场紧逼)巨大的压力或努力

例如:The committee put on a full court press to collect the necessary funds.(委员会为募集必要的资金施加了巨大的压力。)

Slam dunk —(原意:大力扣篮)巨大的成功;杰出的成就

例如:The show was a slam dunk for the artist, who sold every painting he exhibited.(展览是画家的一次巨大成功,展出的画全部售出。)


Bowl somebody over —(Bowl 可指“打保龄球”)令人惊讶或使人极为兴奋

例如:When I heard the news that I got the new job, it bowled me over.(我听到我获得那份新工作时,我喜出望外,兴奋不已。)


End run —(原意:端线外线迂回进攻)避开正常的程序和当局

例如:He made an end run around his boss and got money for the project directly from the president of the company.(他迂回过他的顶头上司而从公司总裁那里直接获得项目用款。)

Huddle —(原意:队员临赛前在对阵争球线后面进行的指示听取会)聚集一起商议

例如:The board of directors huddled to discuss an anticipated protest by workers.(董事会开会讨论预料中的工人抗议。)


Horse around —(骑着马瞎转悠)浪费时间;粗枝大叶

例如:During the meeting the boss shouted,“Stop horsing around and get to work.”(会上老板大声说道:“别浪费时间,干正经的。”)

Down to the wire —(原意:到终点线)在最后时刻完成某事

例如:The student went down to the wire, turning in her essay just as the class bell rang.(那学生在下课铃响起时的最后一刻才交上她的作文。)

安身立命 百战百胜 不欢而散(摔交) 独一无二

风雨交加 劳而无功 两面三刀 面目一新

明日黄花 目光如炬 评头论足 哑口无言(拳击) 气象万千 首屈一指 四海为家 血气方刚 一干二净

一拍即合 自告奋勇 自知之明

弃旧图新 仁至义尽 山水相连 视同儿戏

  • 评论列表:
  •  鸢旧晚鲸
     发布于 2022-07-03 18:06:58  回复该评论
  • 一签定合同,我们就能合作了。)The way the ball bounces —(原意:球反弹的方式)命里注定;不可避免性;命运;无一定之规性例如:It's just the way the ball bounces, wheth
  •  夙世绿邪
     发布于 2022-07-03 13:09:15  回复该评论
  • omeone's court — 某人得做出反应或采取行动例如:We've made our proposal, so the ball's in their court now.(我们已经提出我们的建议,该由他们做出反
  •  笙沉语酌
     发布于 2022-07-03 17:54:29  回复该评论
  • it was time to throw in the towel. (当他们发现他收受贿赂时,那参议员明白收场的时候到了。) Against the ropes —(原意:被
  •  柔侣桃靥
     发布于 2022-07-03 17:32:25  回复该评论
  • 果她早回办公室,我们就得挨罚了。)Play ball — 与某人合作例如:As soon as both sides sign the contract, then we can play ball. (双方一签定合同,我们就能合作了。)The way the ball bo


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