




Some people think that the fittest and strongest individual and team can achieve success in sports, while others believe that success depends on mental attitude. Discuss both views and give your opinion.翻译:一些人认为最健康和强壮的个人和运动队能取得体育比赛成功,而另一些人相信成功依靠精神态度。讨论两种观点并给出你的观点。抛砖:对现代运动而言,没有强壮的身体,根本没有可能取得成功。如果姚明没有身高,刘翔没有速度,那么他们都不可能成为优秀的运动员,成为中国的符号。现代的体育已经非常职业化,业余运动员没有身体天赋,甚至很难生存。不过,仅仅有强壮的身体还不够。体育运动的成功,精神力量也很重要,比如强烈的获胜欲望、坚忍不拔、良好的心理素质等等。Tracy McGrady的身体很好,但是总是和kobe Bryant有差距,关键是他没有后者的strong desire to win.现代体育中,要想获得胜利,身体和精神态度缺一不可,只有两项都做到极致才能获得最终成功。相关新闻:雅思图表作文常用词整理雅思写作辅导:学习外语写作的三个步骤雅思写作辅导:英文写作的7个注意事项(下)雅思写作辅导:英文写作的7个注意事项(上)雅思小作文开头段和中间段的经典句型模板


my favorite sport is areobic dance~ you know, it is not only can make our body slender but also could promote our blood of circle~

when i was a freshermen,i get a chance to take part in the areobic dance schoolteam,at the beginning of the term,i feel preety a sense of inferority ,because the average stature in our team is the 167cm,but i am just only 161cm,

i always told myself,work hard,you can do it best,and just do it,the starure is not a problem,you must be confidence~~

so,through the sports,i find my confidence,and i believe that ,one man who can hold the line ,he will win the game~






What young people should study at school has long been the subject of intense debate and this is a question that certainly does not have one correct answer.

We need to provide young people the best possible chance of doing well at school. In traditional curriculum there is a wide variety of subjects with a mix of academic and non-academic subjects. In this way a young person is formed with a rounded education. Non-academic subjects would include sports, cooking, woodwork and metalwork. I believe this is the best form of education. A young person should learn things other than academic subjects. Sport is particularly important. Young people have to learn to love sport so that they can be fit and healthy later in life. If not we will be raising an obese and unfit generation.

I totally understand the point of view that education is so important that students must be pushed as hard as possible to achieve their best. It sounds a good idea to only expose the students to academic subjects as then they can spend all of their school hours on studying areas that will get them into university and good jobs later in life. I just feel a more rounded education would produce a better individual. We must remember too that a lot of people, maybe even most people, aren‛t academically minded and would benefit more from a more vocationally based education. Forcing academic studies onto them would lead to failure and the student leaving school too early.

Therefore I agree that although a wholly academic curriculum would suit and benefit some young people, I believe that for most students non-academic subjects are important inclusions still in today’s syllabuses.


求 雅思口语 关于体育明星的 200词以上

关于刘翔的,也可以用在“名人雕塑”话题上(上海有他的一个雕塑)。Born in the 1980s, Liu Xiang is one of the best athletes in our country. He is good at running and 110 meters hurdles. He is even the most capable hurdler in the world. He keeps the best record of 12.88 seconds until now. No one has the ability to break it so far.

Among lots of TV programmes, I like the sport games best.

And the 110 hurdles races are the most exciting games in them. Everytime I see Liu Xiang running in the track, shouting wildly after the races, I find myself is full of passion in my heart. Especially, the moment when he gets the first prize on the stage,I can't help applauding for his excellent performance. I am deeply moved by his spirit and his great ambitions.

The sports spirit of Liu Xiang also inspires me a lot in my life and study. As a young man, Liu Xiang is the best example of making every effort to develop his sport career and break so many records, though he once got hurt in the training.I think this spirit is worth to learned by all of us.Recently he has return to the Shanghai Golden Grand Prix . With this ambition, we could defeat any difficulties in our lives and works. Affected by his restless soul, I will never give up and insist my ideals.

As one of his fans, I hope that Liu Xiang could do well in his future career, and win more gold medals for our country. I support him forever in my heart. As for myself, I will work as hard as him to make more progress in my study. 不是我写的,不过我稍微改了改,有了点“时代特色”,毕竟翔哥刚复出,用这个肯定效果不错!!



A 理论与实践

1 知识和经验的重要性

2 为什么要上大学

3 大学理论和实践课程的关系

4 成功人士所需素质是不是必须从大学或相似的科研学术机构中学习

5 高中毕业的学生是否应该在去大学前要工作或旅游一年

6 高中生评估和挑战老师,会不会没有尊重没有纪律性

B 男女生问题

7 大学专业招收的学生男女比例是否应该协调

8 男女分校的利弊

二、 体育活动类:

1 学生花时间练习体育运动的利与弊/该不该。

2 体育活动造成竞争而非合作是否应该提倡

3 体育盛事是否有利于缓解世界紧张局势,维护世界和平


1 如何说服他人学习自己母语

2 英语流行的利弊

3 英语和国际旅游业的流行会不会导致小语种和小民族的伤害

4 机器翻译的推进是否导致不必学外语


1 人们是否只应阅读真实事件或人物

2 是否新闻的真实性和好的工作者的素质

3 广告的利弊


1 学生变异行为或态度的原因和改善

2 家庭小孩的惩罚教育是否有效

3 学生压力是否很大

4 父母是否应该限制小孩看电视玩游戏,应该看书学习

5 儿童的性格来自先天还是后天培养

6 儿童要学会竞争还是合作

7 课余参加有偿劳动是否提倡


1 我们这一辈人和上辈人区别的重要方式

2 公司55岁的老人是否应该退休让位给年青人

3 年青人比老年人社会地位高的原因和改善


1 电脑电视录相等是否替代书籍成为传媒和教育的工具

2 电脑的普及是否会取代老师的教育

3 建立博物馆的目的和手段

4 网络的普及影响到生活中家庭成员或是朋友之间的亲密关系

5 科学技术的发展有多大的潜在危机

6 技术发展是否影响娱乐习惯和减少创造力

7 生命工程中的器官移植和试管婴儿等是否不人道


1 人类登月类似研究浪费金钱和时间么

2 医生应以救人为主,不论病人之贫和利益

1 向朋友借钱会否影响友谊及其原因。

2 花钱买东西或用东西交换的各自好处,你喜欢哪种?

3 体育专业是否应该拿钱比其它重要的专业多


1 政府是否应该重视传统和艺术

2 发展中国家是应该致力于发展本国的科技研究还是发展人文教育

3 政府花钱在艺术上还是其他事情上

4 政府财政支持在科学上还是语言商业上

5 你的国家城乡差距大的原因和解决

6 电影教给你其他国家的哪些概况

7 富国是否应该帮助穷国

8 你的国家和其他地方有何相似,如何相似

10 政府是否该为母亲工作提供帮助和资源

11 国外工作一段时期对个人和国家有何影响


1 发明什么是你的愿望

2 改变家乡的一个重要举措

3 新千年是否世界变化的机会和你希望如何变化

4 人类为什么变得长寿

  • 评论列表:
  •  只影辞取
     发布于 2022-06-02 06:05:03  回复该评论
  • Forcing academic studies onto them would lead to failure and the student leaving school too early.Therefore I agree th
  •  假欢酷腻
     发布于 2022-06-02 13:47:26  回复该评论
  • 等是否替代书籍成为传媒和教育的工具2 电脑的普及是否会取代老师的教育3 建立博物馆的目的和手段4 网络的普及影响到生活中家庭成员或是朋友之间的亲密关系5 科学技术的发展有多大的潜在危机6 技术发展是否影响娱乐习惯和减少创造力7 生命工程中的器官移植和试管婴
  •  颜于芩酌
     发布于 2022-06-02 05:35:35  回复该评论
  • n, we could defeat any difficulties in our lives and works. Affected by his restless s
  •  笙沉青朷
     发布于 2022-06-02 11:03:00  回复该评论
  • ration.I totally understand the point of view that education is so important that students must be pushed as hard as possible to achieve their best.


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